cplint_r.pl -- cplint_r

This module contains predicates for drawing graphs with R in cplint on SWISH.

- Franco Masotti, Fabrizio Riguzzi
- Artistic License 2.0 https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0
 build_xy_list(+X:list, +Y:list, -Out:list) is det
Given two lists X and Y, builds an output list Out in the form [X1-Y1,X2-Y2,...,XN-YN].
 r_row(+X:atom, +Y:atom, -Out:atom) is det
Given two atoms X and Y, build the term r(X,Y) in Out.
 get_set_from_xy_list(+L:list, -R:list) is det
Given an input list L in the form [X1-Y1,X2-Y2,...,XN-YN], transform it in an output list R in the form [r(X1,Y1),r(X2,Y2),...,r(XN,YN)]. This means that R will contain an X-Y relationship which can be then passed to an R data frame.
 bar_r(+Probability:float) is nondet
The predicate plots the probability as a bar chart with a bar for Probability and a bar for 1-Probability.
 bar_r(+Successes:int, +Failures:int) is nondet
The predicate plots a chart with a bar for the number of Successes and a bar for the number of Failures.
 argbar_r(+Values:list) is det
Values is a list of couples V-N where V is the value and N is the number of samples returning that value, or a list of values. The predicate plots a bar chart with a bar for each possible value V. The size of the bar is given by N.
 histogram_r(+List:list, +Options:list) is det
Draws a histogram of the samples in List. List must be a list of couples of the form [V]-W or V-W where V is a sampled value and W is its weight, or a list of sampled values. Options is a list of options, the following are recognised by histogram/3:
the minimum value of domain, default value the minimum in List
the maximum value of domain, default value the maximum in List
the number of bins for dividing the domain, default value 40
 density_r(+List:list) is det
Display a smooth density estimate of a sets of samples. The samples are in List as couples V-W where V is a value and W its weigth.
 densities_r(+PriorList:list, +PostList:list) is det
Display a smooth density estimate of two sets of samples, usually prior and post observations. The samples from the prior are in PriorList while the samples from the posterior are in PostList as couples V-W where V is a value and W its weigth, or simply as values V.
 compute_areas_diagrams_r(+LG:list, -AUCROC:float, -AUCPR:float) is det
The predicate takes as input a list LG of pairs probability-literal in asceding order on probability where the literal can be an Atom (incading a positive example) or \+ Atom, indicating a negative example while the probability is the probability of Atom of being true. The predicate returns AUCROC: the size of the area under the ROC curve AUCPR: the size of the area under the PR curve PR and ROC diagrams are plotted. See http://cplint.lamping.unife.it/example/exauc.pl for an example
 test_r(+P:probabilistic_program, +TestFolds:list_of_atoms, -LL:float, -AUCROC:float, -AUCPR:float) is det
The predicate takes as input in P a probabilistic program, tests P on the folds indicated in TestFolds and returns the log likelihood of the test examples in LL, the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve in AUCROC, the area under the Precision Recall curve in AUCPR and draws R diagrams of the curves.